Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guest Room Decorating

I've often found that I have a lot of extra time on my hands during the work day, so I tend to occupy my brain by thinking of fun (cheap!) new things I can do to our house. I love to browse through thousands of online pictures and magazines looking for ideas that I can steal or tweak to fit my current decorating mood.

This is an idea for our guest room. It's got that same octagon-shaped 3-window cluster, and I already have the cream colored curtains and upholstered chair to match. I'm not a huge fan of the lucite table, but I could see myself using a lucite lamp on a dark wood table. If you've ever been to my house, you know Shane and I love dark stained wood. I love the clean, sharp contrast it gives against khaki, white and brown...so naturally my house has been decorated accordingly. I enjoy a splash of color here and there, but I tend to keep the main stationary objects in neutral tones so I can change the look of a room whenever I want. This is the most cost-efficient way to accommodate my ever-changing mind. I can accent with pillows, art, and other trinkets, as well as pull objects from one room to another and it all still goes together. My guest room is a work in progress, so there are no pics yet...

1 comment:

  1. Ab. fab! Except in my crazy household those pretty white things would all turn a shade of mottled brownish greyish dirt.

