Thursday, May 28, 2009

Legal Issues

I have been doing some research online and found out that any image or creation made after 1989 is copyrighted, and you can get in a whole lot of legal trouble if you use it without permission. Hence, why I removed any picture that I didn't take myself from this blog. But I do have a question: How is it that almost everyone on Google Images has copied other people's pictures and posted them on their own blogs and never got sued? Literally, there are copies of the same picture all over the place in various blogs, but no one seems to care. Does the copyright law only apply if you're making money from the copyrighted image?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Official (and ever-growing) List of Shaneisms

I've been asked what the "Official List" of Shaneisms here goes. Please add to the list if you see I've forgotten one.
Floz nozzy, squanies, Pocahontas, Johnathan, stickum, squadidyche, Felipe Mendoza Garcia, Wuh-hop, Pace face, Of-it, Hop stickum wuh, unka poka, yes...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guest Room Decorating

I've often found that I have a lot of extra time on my hands during the work day, so I tend to occupy my brain by thinking of fun (cheap!) new things I can do to our house. I love to browse through thousands of online pictures and magazines looking for ideas that I can steal or tweak to fit my current decorating mood.

This is an idea for our guest room. It's got that same octagon-shaped 3-window cluster, and I already have the cream colored curtains and upholstered chair to match. I'm not a huge fan of the lucite table, but I could see myself using a lucite lamp on a dark wood table. If you've ever been to my house, you know Shane and I love dark stained wood. I love the clean, sharp contrast it gives against khaki, white and naturally my house has been decorated accordingly. I enjoy a splash of color here and there, but I tend to keep the main stationary objects in neutral tones so I can change the look of a room whenever I want. This is the most cost-efficient way to accommodate my ever-changing mind. I can accent with pillows, art, and other trinkets, as well as pull objects from one room to another and it all still goes together. My guest room is a work in progress, so there are no pics yet...

Monday, May 11, 2009

My highest association in life...

My highest association in life is not that I am a woman, that I am white, or that I am a wife and (someday) mother….but that I am a Christian. Above all these things that can and do define who I am, the one that clearly outranks and truly defines me is my standing with God.

If it were a perfect world...

If it were a perfect world....I would own my own company that allowed me to express my creative side. I would be able to plan and throw parties, arrange and sell flowers, wrap gifts, decorate homes and be a devoted wife and (someday) mother all while providing health insurance and some income to my family. The only thing I'm really worried about doing such a thing for a career is... What if doing what you love makes you eventually hate it?? It's like working at McDonald''ll never eat another hamburger again, because you eat, breathe and smell like hamburgers all day. I wonder if I had a little shop if I could change it up often enough to keep myself interested?

First Post - Variables & Shaneisms

Variables & Shaneisms are words my husband makes up. These words are not officially part of the English language, and do not necessarily have dictionary definitions. Therefore, one can use them in any sentence or any situation and they still have meaning.